Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Develop a Workout Routine

Developing a solid, idiot proof routine is absolutely essential into making progress. We need a simple routine that anyone can follow and have fun following it. For the sake of getting started, we're going to start with a routine that doubles as a collection of simple weight loss steps along with a beginners guide to burning fat and building muscle.

For starters, we need to make sure we can adhere to the routine. In order to do this, we need to be able to spare a time where we are almost 100% certain we can make to workout. Most people don't have 7 days a week to try to get rid of the extra belly fat or to sculpt big biceps. A three day split for working it out is very common, very practical, and very effective. This split allows the muscles to regenerate and grow and it also helps to prevent you and me from burning out. The term 3-day split refers to a split amongst a 7 day week, meaning you pick the 3 best days to workout. This method provides a great deal of flexibility to schedule and reschedule your workouts to best suit you. Something to watch out for, is that a lot of routines get derailed when 3 consecutive days are skipped; try to avoid this by scheduling something at least every other two days. If that is absolutely not possible, be sure to do something to remind yourself you still need to workout; these simple weight loss steps mean nothing if they produce no action.

Now that the workouts are scheduled, it is time to determine what exactly to workout. Some people swear and die by working out only 1 muscle per day, others swear by matching up workouts in which complimentary muscles are involved to maximize effectiveness and efficiency. Since we're going for an efficient, flexible workout plan here, we're going to match up complimentary muscles. Complimentary muscles are the muscles that are being worked out indirectly when another major group is being worked out. This means if you're working out your chest, your triceps will often be engaged, too. With that being said, a simple step to weight loss, fat burning, and muscle feeding we will follow the following routines:

Day 1 : Back, Bicep, Forearm
Day 2 : Chest, Shoulder, Triceps
Day 3: Legs, Abs (Some people say Abs should be done everyday, people like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Feel free to add them to all three days, a single day, or on your day off.)

Now that we've established the first two simple weight loss steps, fat burning tips, and muscle building tricks, it's onto number 3....Keep the workout under 1 hour! UNDER 1 HOUR. If you are working out properly it should not take more than 45 minutes to hit all your major muscles, the idea is to be precise in your workout and not pollute it with filler. Again, SIMPLE WEIGHT LOSS or SIMPLE MUSCLE BUILDING, there is no need to exceed 15 reps per movement and to exceed 3 movements per muscle group until you're at a truly elite level of bodybuilding and weight lifting. Follow this little rule. At first, it may be difficult to grasp that you'll get those bigger biceps or remove that excess belly fat in LESS time, but I assure you it's true. Remember the adage, "less is more"? I have no idea who said it but it certainly holds true here.

Follow these simple steps and tips and you'll be ahead of the game. If you'd like to take your game to the next level immediately, I suggest you fine tune your diet using one of the fastest growing diet products around, FatLoss4Idiots. You can find them here: Simple Diet Tips.
To begin to take your diet and workouts to the next level, I can suggest exactly one product. This product is the most credible, successful, and popular fitness book on the web. It would be a shame to pass this up if you have the money and as far as I know, they're offering a killer discount, check it out here: Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. I'll be updating this blog quite often, I highly recommend to check up often, as I will be giving tips from both my experience and my learning in books, or Hop over to Simple Weight Loss Steps see what else I have to say.

Simple and Easy Steps To Setting Proper Weight Loss Goals

In order to make weight loss as fast and easy as possible, we have to give it the right vehicle. That right vehicle is a realistic one, a Corvette instead of a Hovercraft. This vehicle is to set proper, attainable goals that build motivation, encourage further progress, and actually work. We can break this down into 5 simple steps to get going,

The first simple and easy step is to set an attainable weight loss goal you can get in a matter of 2 weeks. What this does is build motivation and sets the groundwork for quick fat loss in the future. Now, the goal doesn't have to be huge at all, nothing groundbreaking, but instead something we can accomplish. For example, if you're at 150 pounds and want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, wow, good luck. But if you want to lose 5 pounds, well that's a good start; way to get your head back on your shoulders. A simple, easy first goal is key in developing a base for success, and to abuse some cliches, success breeds success and with success comes confidence.

The next simple and easy weight loss step is to remain positive. Put things in perspective and learn to hope for the worst, accept it, and move forward. This will not only keep you motivated to take the next simple step, but it'll will increase your overall happiness with a simple mental trick (an entirely different subject that will be covered later). Also, take things for granted and remove criticism and you're sure to be happier than a pig in mud.

Simple and easy weight loss step number 3 is to write your goals down! WRITE THEM DOWN. If you write them down you not only provide a hard copy to remind you, but you ingrain the goals in your head. You become committed to the goal by creating an explicit statement. It may be hard to ask you to look at it daily, but it's necessary. Daily repetition really drives it hope. Another way to take your goals to the next level is to confide in someone you trust and will encourage you, make sure you respect them too because the feeling of letting someone down you respect is greater than the pain of letting yourself down again.

Simple and easy weight loss step four, park further away from places. Not two spots out of the handicaps instead of one, but at the other end of the parking lot where the all the Bentley's and New Car Owners park their car because they're afraid of getting dings. From there, you'll get an extra few hundred steps per location and be on your way to power walking two to three to even ten times DAILY! Hows that for a simple weight loss step, or should I say a few hundred steps?

Lastly, the fifth and temporarily final simple weight loss step is to weigh in weekly at the most. By doing this you'll realize the utter lack of importance a number plays on your well-being when you follow the above steps. Instead of having a great day only to find out you haven't lost a pound or that you managed to gain an entire two pounds! (my record is gaining nearly 8 pounds after an epic wing feast at Hooters with a few buddies). They're a number, and only a number. Nothing is bad unless we think it so. Keep that positive attitude, keep reaching goals CONSTANTLY, and the energy and progress will show in that smile and bounce in your step; the scale will have to follow if it wants to join in on all that fun!

If you enjoyed these posts be sure to check out even more simple weight loss steps to success of mine at Simple Weight Loss Steps or check out my affiliates at Fatloss4Idiots who care of the hassle of diet planning and implement the hottest weight loss trend in the industry, Calorie Shifting More Simple and Easy Weight Loss Steps. For the above 40 crowd whose still looking to play with the children and be the "cool" relative/parent, I guide you towards another dear affiliate of mine More Simple and Easy Weight Loss Steps

Friday, January 4, 2008

Test Post

Checking out what all this is about and creating a master plan to do some heavy ass work.